Cabbage leaf for mastopathy
Today, one of the most common female diseases is mastopathy. It is a benign tumor in the breast tissue. Most often, women from 25 to 50 years old suffer from it. Symptoms can be detected at an early stage. After that, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Symptoms of mastopathy. Reasons
During the disease, a woman feels pain in the chest area, swelling, and fever.
The main causes of mastopathy are considered to be: hormonal failures; thyroid dysfunction; breastfeeding.
hypothermia; heredity.
If you start to worry about chest pain, then you need to see a mammologist for an examination.
Today, one of the most effective folk remedies is cabbage leaf for mastopathy, which should be applied to the chest. It is also recommended to make changes to your diet at this time. Eliminate the use of coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. It is necessary to consume less salt, because this can provoke swelling of the mammary glands.
Remember that hot compresses and alcoholic tinctures should not be used during treatment.
Since ancient times, cabbage leaf has been widely used in folk medicine for mastopathy.
Cabbage leaf for mastopathy. Prevention
So, cabbage leaf in mastopathy really helps to eliminate pain and relieve symptoms. After all, its main task is to reduce pain and relieve inflammation. It is applied to each breast, slightly kneading with your hands. This is necessary in order for the leaf to secrete juice. Then wrap the chest with a terry towel. This compress is best done overnight.
Also, cabbage leaf with mastopathy can be used together with curdled milk. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.
His help is explained by the fact that cabbage has excellent anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
When breastfeeding, many women experience this disease. This is due to the fact that some mothers begin to stagnate milk in their breasts. If it is not pumped in time, then seals form in the mammary glands, which then begin to hurt a lot.
In this case, the cabbage leaf is an ideal remedy! After all, during breastfeeding, a woman should not use any antibiotics.
As a preventive measure in the cold season, avoid hypothermia, and regularly take care of your body. It is also necessary to have a regular check-up with a doctor.
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