
Tips for passing Risen 2: Dark Waters - Basic Missions # 081

Maracay Bay

This part of the quest is optional and can be replaced by the ghost of Steel Beard. a mission that can be completed on the Island of the Dead.

Enter Garcia 's office and on the table next to the bed you will see a map (Treasure on the Pirate coast ) and a book - Garcia 's magazine . Read it to find out the location of the captain's hideout and the password that will allow you to open his gate (see "Open Sesame"). You will also complete The Password quest, which you could get in Antigua if you looked through the gate under the waterfall (even if not, the quest will still be completed).

There's no way around a little quarrel with pirates

At this point, you need to talk to Patty (who completes the quest "Finding Garcia") and go to Antigua. This Steel Beard artifact has been buried.

Island of the Dead

Questor: Honey on the Sword Coast or Admiral Alvarez on Antigua

Recording! This part of the quest is optional and can be replaced by a mission to Find Garcia Obsession, which can be performed in Maracay Bay.

The Island of the Dead is a legendary place that only a few can reach. There are two ways to find out his location:

If you sided with the natives on the Sword Coast, you will receive a sailing map from Honey after you tell her about the death of Captain Steelbeard (see: A new ship). A smart witch will tell you that you can talk to his ghost on the island of the Dead (the Ghost of Steel Beard). You will get access to it immediately and will be able to sail there as soon as you get a ship. However, this is not recommended - at such early stages of the game, you have no chance of surviving in this hostile land. Monsters that live on the island of the dead, such as ghouls, warriors and guardians, will tear you apart before you even know it. It's much better to go there only after completing all the other quests related to Titan artifacts.

Warrior's Spear - belongs to Cuzco, which can be found in the Arena. Defeat it (The Warrior's Curse) to get it.

The skull of an undead animal can be obtained from Motega if you killed a Silverback for it (see The Hunter's Curse).

White Diamond - obtained during The Thief's Curse quest. Open the Akanda chest using a Lockpicking at 60 or a special key. With the second option, you need to pay Nahela 300 Gold to do this.

She's probably been doing this for thousands of years.

If you sided with the Inquisition on the Sword Coast, you will only gain access to the Island of the Dead after collecting all the Titan artifacts. If you have them, talk to Admiral Alvarez in Antigua (see The Ghost of Steelbeard). bitqt
